ActionTrac Tapit

ActionTrac's training solution Tapit can leverage company IP throughout an enterprise.

Today, entire swaths of Corporate IP are not being leveraged and even worse lost. This can have a huge impact on overall productivity of an operating division or the company as a whole.

Every employee garners experience from their approach to their job to the systems they use to help support them in their role. This “company experience tree” is what creates vast reservoirs of knowledge.

And represents the untapped opportunities to capture this IP and implement a method to leverage this knowledge for other employees.

ActionTrac's Tapit is specifically designed to enable employees at all levels to record short training segments and then seamlessly share those segments with the community as a whole. There is a whole secondary benefit and that is the feedback and visibility employees will receive by contributing to the company's learning environment.

Top down training is the most prevalent training approach. However the golden opportunity for business today is to tap into a bottom's up approach since that is where the gusher of Intellectual property sits just waiting to be surfaced and leveraged. And Tapit is your mechanism to achieve this.

For Tapit employees can simply use their mobile phones and the Tapit app to record and upload content. All Tapit shared and archived training is organized under training subjects and also is easily searched on. A social channel is also included with comments and likes.

All Tapit generated content can go through an approval workflow before being published.

For more information including pricing on Tapit please complete the following form

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